THE SIN PROBLEM– by Stephanie M. White For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. James 2:10 NIV
This verse in James says a mouthful. Stumbling means to trip or to err in just one aspect of the law and when a person does this GOD declares that they're then in fact guilty of breaking the entirety of what the law consists of. To us that may seem unfair- but to God it is exactly that, fair. Sin is sin in God’s eyes and that's why we need to refrain from categorizing sin. According to God we are ALL equally guilty - guilty of EVERY sin! No one is exempt; however, in Christ we're ALL equally righteous as well.
Jesus told us that looking on a woman to lust after her was the same as committing adultery; yet, some Christian people will shun divorced people while embracing people with problems from flirting to sexual propensities to pornography. In God's eyes, it's all the same. Why do we choose to categorize? We categorize because we believe it makes us less guilty - but that is not true. We need to understand that our complete innocence and our righteousness is found in Christ alone (1 Corinthians 4:7).
Too many times people relate Christians with hate because some professed Christians are judgmentally associated with hateful fruit. There is nothing Christ-like about an act of hate; we are to be known by love (John 13:35). Instead of pointing out specific sin we must point out the solution to ALL sin-- the solution to all sin is Jesus Christ and He is the Word (Psalms 119:11)!
Stephanie is a wife, mother, and author from Ohio. Find her articles and published books HERE.