Made for a Special Assignment
By Colleta Macharia
“But to the Kohathites he gave none, because the service of the holy things, which they carried on their shoulders, was their responsibility.” (Numbers 7:9 NET)
While in high school, I desired to play basketball. The coach summed me up with a brief scan from head to feet, promptly dismissing me for being too short. It felt bad then, but I later understood that we are given different attributes and gifts to fit the purpose God created us for.
In Numbers chapter 7, it records that the Gershonites and Merarites who were Levites received carts and oxen to use for God’s work; the Kohathites, also Levites received nothing. The Kohathites, whose job was to care for the most holy things (Num 4:4 NIV) needed no carts or oxen; they had what they needed for their special assignment - their shoulders! Verses 5, 7 and 8, repeat the words ‘as his services require’ (NET) implying emphasis on appropriateness of the gifts.
God gives us assignments and equips us appropriately. Ways we can know our assignment and what we are equipped for include our calling, passion with ability to do certain things, personality, and spiritual gifts. He provides material resources through blessing our work to generate income, favor, and gifts.
If we often get frustrated or envious of others because we lack something or are trying too hard to fit in to certain situations or jobs, chances are we are unaware of God’s assignment for our lives. Let us ask the Lord to help us understand the work He created and equipped us for so we may honor Him and thrive while doing it.
Today’s Christian writer is also a life coach from Ethiopia. Contact