Striking a Balance by Toni Babcock
"All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted," (Psalm 75:10 KJV).
For the Christian, maintaining a quiet confidence in a competitive and critical world is often a challenge. With so many voices blowing their horns, it's hard to strike a balance between quiet self-effacement, and unabashed confidence that leans forward in order to make its voice be heard. The fact is, to be successful in the eyes of the world, a hefty dose of self-promotion is usually required. The problem is, self-promotion doesn't come easy for a lot of us, but then again God has something to say about tooting our own horns. "Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck. For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another," (Psalm 75:5-7 KJV).
I think we should be prepared and willing to do our best with the gifts God has given to us, but in a way that promotes God instead of ourselves. Yielding to His direction in faith, we can expect God to open up doors for us and bless our endeavors in ways we had never imagined. We don't need the accolades of the world, or a visible sign to be assured we are making a mark on God's kingdom. Neither do we need to make loads of money in order to feel successful using our God- given abilities. When we cease to covet the praise of man or the wealth of the world, we are ready to allow God to use our gifts however He asks - they belong to Him anyway.