Watch Your Words – by Susan Ferguson
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
Words are powerful. They can be beautiful and encouraging, but they can also cut to the heart and crush the spirit. A mismanaged tongue causes a multitude of sins including lying, slander, gossip, obscenities, guile, ridicule, and mockery. The wrong words can destroy a relationship, throw dirt on a reputation, and cause disunity in the Church, home, and work place. The tongue is a small member of the body, but what enormous damage it can do. (James 3:5-6)
Maturity in Christ is not measured by the number of spiritual gifts we have, but by how well we manage our tongues. The Bible teaches that our words reveal what is in our hearts. (Matthew 12:34). The words we say and how we say them reveal our attitudes and the condition of our hearts.
Words once spoken cannot be taken back. Not only must we give careful attention to the words we speak, but what we listen to, read, and watch. The words we allow into our minds can make their way to our lips. Reading God’s Word cleanses the mind, resulting in words that mirror God’s goodness. With prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, we can resist the temptation to sin with our words.
Today’s freelance writer lives with her husband in Madison, MS, USA. Contact