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Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

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Made in the Image of God: Understanding the Nature of God and Mankind in a Changing World
By Reid Ashbaucher

Made in the Image of God was written for individuals looking for a deeper understanding of God the creator and how he relates to his creation physically, emotionally and spiritually in a personal way. This book would also make good resource material for discussions in small groups or class rooms.

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Today's Devotional
Corrections! - by Mike Beall

“My child, don't turn away or become bitter when the Lord corrects you. The Lord corrects everyone He loves, just as parents are pleased in their child they correct.” (Proverbs 3:11-12 CEV)

At times in your life, have you felt things were unjustly put in your way, or you had a burden to carry that you did not feel was right? All through the Bible, examples are given where God used what happened in people’s lives (both good and bad) to help them, to teach, and correct. Romans 8:28 says, “We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves Him. They are the ones God has chosen for His purpose.” This is the bottom line, if you have committed yourself to God, allowed the Holy Spirit to control your soul (mind, will and emotions), EVERYTHING that happens in your life, IS God working, directing, and correcting. The things that are "dumped' on you by the demonic world are trying to break you. But, God guarantees that He will bring good out of everything, if you trust Him. As the writer in Proverbs says in verses 3-8, “With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow. Don't ever think that you are wise enough, but respect the Lord and stay away from evil. This will make you healthy, and bring refreshment to your body.”

Today, put your total trust in God, allow Him in EVERYTHING to fill your life with Himself. Then, you will not be sad or bitter as He works in your life! Love and blessings.

Mike is a freelance Christian writer. Contact

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