Mary’s Master - - by Anna Darlene Edmondson “Now on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark” (John 1:20 Amp). Perhaps the reason why Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene after His crucifixion was to demonstrate tender grace and hope to one with an afflicted tormented past. Strewn throughout the scriptures, there are verses that indicate Mary loved Him very dearly and deeply. This love had so rearranged her entire life that she showed up at the tomb before anyone else. It seems the purpose for Mary’s arrival was to continue preparing the body with additional spices, anointing the corpse. And, thanks to John’s gospel we have a detailed description about what happens next. To her sheer amazement, the stone was rolled away, and she assumed the guards stole His body and carried it elsewhere. She ran from the garden finding Peter and John and described her findings. Upon this, Peter and John hurried to the tomb, investigated and then returned to their homes. Not Mary. She lingered, standing outside the tomb weeping. Suddenly, two angels spoke to her, “Why are you weeping?” As Mary explained her sadness, she turned around and saw a man. From this moment on, Mary Magdalene’s life takes a wonderful and radical turn. Supposing this man to be the gardener, she reiterates His demise. So, let’s keep in mind, her helpless frame of mind at this juncture. However, Jesus called her name and immediately she recognized His voice exclaiming, “Rabboni”! (Master or Teacher). Forever etched in her memory, ‘she had seen the Lord,’ and carried that great news to all who would hear. What a glorious day for Mary! In the same fashion, with Good Friday approaching, ushering in Passover (Easter Resurrection) we can experience answering the Master when He calls our name. Darlene is a Christian freelance writer who lives in the country and loves Jesus. Contact