What Gifts Shall You Give? By Karen Pourbabaee
“…they fell down and worshipped Him; and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts…” Mathew 2:11
We have celebrated His coming. Now’s the time for contemplation of His coming. Long ago, wise men from the East traveled far just to behold Him and kneel in adoration of this historic arrival wrapped in swaddling clothes. They did not merely worship in their hearts, but worshipped WITH their hearts by presenting the Christ Child with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They offered something to show their adoration, friendship, and affection of this new babe-king---gifts of the heart!
A gift defined is something given to show friendship and affection. Gifts have surrounded us this season, both given and received. The Church commemorates finding of the Christ Child by three wise men after Christmas, a wonderful time to reflect upon offering our own gifts to the Lord .
Walking afresh into a new year, let’s spread gifts of the heart, leaving the fragrance of Christ in our pathways, like incense rising unto heaven. The Lord will know we have been about His work: Tending His sheep. Loving with His love. Spreading His joy. Offering His peace.
There are so many gifts to offer, for you are indeed rich in Him. Make the most of your days. Serve Christ by serving others. Give away the natural talents God created in you. Offer your treasures. Send up incense unto heaven. Not to an innocent babe but to the now reigning King. Your King.
What shall you give this year to show your friendship and affection to Jesus?
Karen has been a FaithWriters member since 2009. She has published award-winning short stories and devotionals in various venues. Contact