Talk Of The Town – by Darlene Edmondson
“Come,” she said, “and see a man who has told me everything I have ever done. Can this be the Christ”? (John 4:29a Weymouth)
We don’t like to admit it, but many of us enjoy a bit of "juicy gossip." Somehow, we get a tingling feeling of satisfaction when certain people are brought low. Actually, we’re supposed to build up rather than tear down. Examine how Jesus handled a similar situation at Jacob’s well. The Samaritan woman's story is found in the Gospel John’s gospel. During Jesus’ time on earth, most Biblical scholars agree women generally came in groups to collect water---either earlier or later in the day to avoid the sun’s heat. Yet, the Samaritan woman came to the well alone; perhaps, to avoid sneers or maybe because of shame. Whatever the reason, it’s likely she encountered shunning. Surely, the town folk knew of her five previous husbands and about living with a man who wasn’t her husband.
For me personally, I’m glad this story is in the Bible---it gives me hope because I’ve blown it a gazillion times. Still, Jesus tenderly forgives, drawing me back to Himself. Jesus knew all about this lady and of her marginal, parched, and undesirable life. He also proved only living water healed wounded souls. That very day, He cured her deepest need. Astonishingly, several people believed on Jesus because of her miraculous transformation. Jesus stayed two more days ministering in that city, and many accepted Him as their Savior (John 4:40-42). By the time Jesus finished teaching and proclaiming good news to the residents in that village, He was the talk of the town---in a good way. Darlene is a freelance Christian writer. Contact