Living Small – Jennifer Woodley Jesus came down. Became poor. Became less. Became small. He surrendered His rights to do life on His own, looking instead to His Father before He made a move. Is it possible that this descending way of Jesus, may be God’s way for us too?
What does this small way of living look like for God’s followers today? Small doesn’t take control of things. Small can wait longer and act less. Small learns to live at the same pace of the Father: not lagging behind, not rushing ahead. Small doesn’t try to be bigger, or the best. Small sinks into God, trusting His way and His timing. Small loses their life in Christ and then finds a new life in Him.
Jesus’s ministry was small, specific and personal. It was difficult, painful and lonely. The greatest moments were found in the small moments spent with an outcast woman at a well, cooking fish on a beach, washing dusty feet, nursing a child on His knee, having dinner with an unpopular tax collector. Our greatest, most significant moments won’t be found in the extraordinary things we do, but in the small, intimate moments. When we do the things that seem small to us, but are great to God.
Jesus was found in ordinary places, in small everyday places. That is where He showed the deep love and mercy of His Father. Those are the places we will show His love and mercy also. Let’s embrace our smallness, our ordinary everyday places. Don’t rush past them, because this is where Jesus is too.
‘Father, help me to stay in the small spaces of my life and look for you right there with me.’
Jennifer is a freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their faith journey through writing and mentoring. Contact |