Subject: FaithWriters Devotional for Friend

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We Wish All a Very Blessed and Happy New Year in Christ!
FaithWriters Great Multitude 
Christian Daily Bible Devotional
Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12
Today's Devotional is directly below today's free read offering. Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their sins against them...2 Cor 5:19

...Through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38

"I will forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin no more.” Jer 31:34b

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New Covenant Bible Studies
Michael Edwards

The purpose of these New Covenant Bible studies is to encourage the believer and remove all doubt from their heart of their Father’s love for them and their complete and total forgiveness in Christ.

Go HERE, click on BUY and download today's book for free right now. 

Today's Devotional
Elevator Experiences – Jennifer Woodley

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?' Romans 8:31 (NIV).

The tiny girl stood cautiously at the top of the elevator while her mother waited below for the toddler to step onto the moving stairs. But she would not. I gently took her hand and looked down into eyes that held uncertainty. ‘You can do it’ I said and smiled at her. ‘This will be fun.’ She took my hand warily and chatted all the way to the end.

We might often feel like this little girl. Uncertain or fearful of what lays ahead. We look with our eyes and say, ‘That’s too hard for me, I can’t do that.’ Then our fear paralyzes us to go further.
There’s one thing we can be certain of even when we are feeling afraid: God’s faithful love. We need to look with eyes of faith to see and embrace this love. Our two eyes see the elevator, see the danger, see the uncertainty, but our eyes of faith see the possibilities, the opportunities and the certainties, because they see that our God is for us, not against us (Romans 8:31).

What fears might be holding us back right now from seeing the choices that have to be made with eyes of faith? Let’s close our eyes and imagine God standing right beside us holding our hand as we step out onto the ‘elevator experiences’ of our life.

‘Father, open my eyes of faith to see that you are with me as I step out into new life experiences that you present to me. Amen.’

Jennifer is a freelance writer traveling Australia with her husband. She enjoys encouraging other Christians. Contact
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Radical New Covenant Bible Studies for Radical Freedom in Christ 

Jesus poured out His blood for the New Covenant of grace and truth, replacing the Old Covenant letter of the law of Moses. Believers are exclusively under the New Covenant, the last will and testament of Jesus that began after the cross. 

And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood. Luke 22:20

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"For anyone on the fence, backsliding, or doubtful this book clarifies misunderstandings, perceived contradictions, and outright lies. I was led to read this book at a time when I thought I was over Jesus; but truth defeats lies every time and never forsakes the believer." 2-18-17

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