The Identity Crisis – Harriett Ford “I just need to find out who I am,” was a common phrase in the seventies. The words, “I AM,” is the key.
You will never know who you really are until you meet Him. He gave Adam and Eve their true identity. They reflected His image. The serpent tempted them to question their identity, to think they could become “like gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3: 5). The identity they got was one of guilt and shame.
Simon, the disciple, answered the eternal question for every person. “You are Christ, the Son of God.” Immediately, Jesus gave Peter a new identity. “You are Peter. Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but My Father in Heaven (that’s supernatural revelation knowledge) and on this rock I shall build my church (Matt. 16: 17).
Certainly, no one comes to the Father without the supernatural revelation of Who Christ is (Matt. 28: 18). Jesus was pointing to Himself as the Rock. Jesus is described as the Rock of salvation in Psalm 78:35 and 58 more Bible verses. Significantly, Jesus describes Himself as the chief cornerstone (not Peter) in whom the whole building (church or body of believers) is joined together and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Without Jesus, we have no advocate, no mediator to defend us against Satan (I Tim. 2: 5).
Every believer who receives Jesus as Redeemer, the Rock of our salvation, has a new identity. Every temptation the Liar brings against us is based on questioning that identity.
Harriett Ford is the author of faith-based books. Contact |