CD Swanson
“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”
1 Chronicles 16:34 KJVThere are many types of prayers when we speak with our Father. There are prayers for the sick, for healing, or intercessory prayer just to name a few. However, there is the “Prayer of Thanksgiving.” When we get on our knees and give pure unadulterated thanks to our Father. I don’t mean by words, but truly with all of our hearts and soul, and mind, and body, give HIM THANKS.
The kind of prayer that says, “Thanks for creating us, for sustaining us, for giving us Your compassion and love.” Speaking straight from our hearts with open loving arms, and hands raised, telling Him, “I love You…thank You, Father.” That is what He longs to hear, just as a parent wishes to hear it from his birth child. What parent doesn’t delight in a word of “thanks?” Or, an “I love you” instead of “give me this and give me that.”
I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. Psalm 7:17 KJV
Singing His praises strictly for glorifying Him and worshiping Him without “selfish motives” is a realm in which all should seek to aspire to and practice. To merely say, “I love You Lord” and go about your business without expecting anything in return is an area most of us are negligent in. It is a paradox in itself giving Him thanks and praise…for when we’re selfless in our expression towards the Lord, and we honor Him, and seek His face, while we shower thanks and praise on His lovely and precious name, we’ll reap rewards that’ll be too numerous to speak of. Your cup will truly runneth over, trust me when I say this…you cannot out give God, or love Him more than He loves you!
“Father God, thank You for Your love, Your compassion and Your amazing grace, in Jesus name, Amen.”
CD writes for His glory. Contact