A Famine in Canaan – Darlene Edmondson
“…you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen 50:20) At seventeen, Joseph had two dreams and proudly shared them with his family. Although he was Jacob’s darling and loved by his mother Rachel, his ten older brothers hated him even more upon hearing the dreams. They conspired to murder Joseph but sold him to Ishmaelite traders headed to Egypt instead. Forsaken and torn from his home, perhaps Joseph cried for himself, and for his father’s emptiness. Once, the multicolored coat given to him by his father had protected him, now he was stripped barren.
Nonetheless, he trusted God.Upon arrival, Joseph was sold to an officer named Potiphar. Soon, Joseph’s good character earned him the highest position in Potiphar’s household. Daily, Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph to lay with her. He refused each time. Finally, in anger she lied, accusing Joseph of rape. Though innocent, he was imprisoned.
Nonetheless, he trusted God.Again, Joseph’s conduct was rewarded, and he became supervisor over the prisoners. One such prisoner, Pharaoh’s cupbearer, was to be released soon. But, before the cupbearer was set free, Joseph interpreted a dream for him that came true. The cupbearer was freed, but Joseph remained in prison.
Nonetheless, he trusted God.One night, after disturbing dreams, Pharaoh summoned diviners to decipher their meaning. Hearing this, the cupbearer told Pharaoh of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams and Pharaoh learned from Joseph that his dreams foretold of a seven-year famine that would ravage Egypt. Again, Joseph received a high position, this time overseeing Egypt.
Because of Joseph’s faithfulness, myriads of people were saved from famine. Most importantly, Israel’s heritage was preserved when Josephs entire family was saved and reunited with him. Divine providence ruled.
Like Joseph, we can certainly trust God, even in parched seasons.
Father, we trust you will keep us. Your divine protection and guidance save us. Amen.Contact Darlene and read more from her HERE.