The Joy Set Before Him Darlene Edmondson “…That My joy and delight may be in you, that your joy and gladness may be full, complete, and overflowing (John 15:11 AMP)
As a young shepherd, night time usually found David gazing upward and reveling in God’s grandeur. Lingering and dripping with delight while glorifying his Creator, David was completely aware that power and hope sprang from God alone. This intimate fellowship equipped David with strength and courage.
Like David, we too have access to this intimate fellowship with the Lord at anytime. There, we can relish strong arms that embrace, enjoying perfect bliss as we rest in the quietness of heart and receive fortitude to face each day. Approximately nine hundred years after David’s death, a greater King, Jesus, was born and later crucified. How did Jesus endure this horrendous suffering? By looking forward to reuniting with His Father, Jesus yearned for the bond of oneness they had before time began. His pure love for His Father, and for us, held Him on that bloody cross, ‘because of the joy set before Him, He endured the cross’ (Heb 12:2).
Both David and Jesus possessed a joy that ran deeper than mere pleasure. This kind of joy and vigor is a byproduct of Christ-likeness. Perhaps you, like me, want this kind of life. If so, we simply entrust ourselves to His loving care and accept Him as our Lord. After that dedication, nothing can pluck us from His hand. We then become branches that thrive by extracting life as we abide closely in the Vine’s abundant supply.
Oh Christ, we want to be like you in every way. Help us follow your lead. Amen.
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