Slow Down – Katy Foster It’s a new school year. Many of our lives are about to explode into unruly busyness , full speed ahead. School and social events root firmly in our schedules. There are many choices to make. Adult small or youth large? How can we ever stay ahead of it all? While schedules are tight, God has provided a way of relief.
Keep the Sabbath a priority. Rest in the LORD. By pausing, we turn our focus on our Creator, our Father. Breathe in, full of thanksgiving, and let all stress go. Give God the day. Trust Him; have faith, for He is faithful. If God tells us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, then doing so must be for our benefit. We are His children. We belong to Him. He provides for us, and He never fails us. If we’re not revering the Sabbath, doing so may, at first, seem uncomfortable as we try to clear our minds of everything. In this case, prepare for the Sabbath two days prior. Complete tasks early to clear your “to-do” list. It’s not needed to enjoy the Sabbath, but the enemy will try to attack and take your focus off God Almighty. Satan wants us to trust in ourselves, and fall.
In resting in the LORD, we sanctify our hearts to abide in truth. It’s revival in our Christian walk. As the world tries to control our schedules, we interlace our Father’s work in all that we do. As a result, each Sabbath we experience is a blessed joy. Therefore, please add “Prepare for a joyful Sabbath” to your busy schedule. And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).
Katy Foster, along with husband Chris Foster, is the author of From a Boy to a Godly Man series. Contact |