Transplanted! - Karen Pourbabaee “For they are transplanted into the Lord’s own garden and are under His personal care.” Psalm 92:13 LB
The morning sun highlighted the lacy deep pink peony petals of a glorious bloom just outside my window. There was only one flower on the peony plant that day; no other would be exactly like this one. Ever. How did it grow to be so beautiful and unique? It was certainly a testament to God’s care and creativity, to His endless supply of rich soil, wonderful water, and life-giving sun.
Matthew 6:30 came to mind: “And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t He more surely care for you…?” His whispers were a welcomed wonder: Won’t I surely care for you? Believe that you will blossom into all I’ve created you to be. Your life will be My glory.
“…for I will plant them there with My own hands, this will bring Me glory.” (Isaiah 60:21) Planting is something we can’t do for ourselves; a tree can’t plant itself. The unseen hand of God digs us up out of the wilderness of the world and transplants us into His own garden, the garden of His grace. Properly planted in Christ, we begin to send out roots, to drink in moisture and obtain nutrients for our growth. Surrounded by the gentle breezes of His Spirit, He showers us with Living Waters and the Light of His Son. If God plants you, you will flourish. The God of all hope is tending to you. The evil one may send chilling winds, droughts, and famines, but you are sheltered in the courtyard of His Love. Therefore, remain hopeful. You are blooming in God’s garden.
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