His Time is Coming – Jennifer Woodley ‘He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.”’ Luke 21:8 (NIV)
It’s too easy to switch on the news or flick through the papers and grow uneasy or fearful. Daily we are bombarded with signs of potential conflict or affronted with news of violence and tragedy. Many, wisely, choose to limit the level of world news that enters their household and infiltrates their mind.
Jesus warned his disciples to not be led astray or become alarmed by news of wars or rebellions that might arise against authorities. Such happenings will occur, preceding the return of Christ. Nations will rise against each other, there will be earthquakes, floods, famines and plagues, even great signs in the heavens. Not even the proclamation of those who declare they are the Messiah should disturb God’s people who must wait with patient anticipation for Jesus’ return.
Regardless of what we see or hear, let’s not let our heart be troubled by the signs of the times, but instead have faith in God and be ready for His return. As these signs increase, He will not be long in coming.
‘Father, as this world’s troubles seem to escalate, keep my heart faithful to you. May my anxiety and concern over world events cease as I trust in you. I want to be found ready and waiting in patient expectation for your return. Amen.’
Jennifer enjoys encouraging others on their Christian journey through writing and mentoring. She is caravanning throughout Australia with her husband. Contact |