Recognize the Lie – Harriett Ford "False messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the very elect." (Matt. 24: 24 NLT)
Satan deceives the whole world in Revelation 12: 9. In First John 5: 19, we are told that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. That means we have all been deceived at one time or another, because we are born into the kingdom of darkness (Col. 1: 13). However, Jesus rescued us from it.
What can we do to keep from being deceived when Satan begins his show of signs and wonders? There is only one way to recognize the lie from the Truth, when the serpent asks, "Has God said?"
You must know what God said. Those who do not read His word will fall for the lie.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God, according to Hebrews 11: 6. How do we get faith? By hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ. How can we have faith in God if we don't know what He says? How can we trust His word if we don't hear it?
No word, no faith. No faith, no pleasing God. No resisting the devil with the sword of the spirit, no devil fleeing from us.
Those who are not rooted and grounded in the Truth will fall for the lie every time.
Dear Lord, show me your ways, teach me your paths. Guide me in Your truth (Psalm 24: 5). Deliver me from the evil one. Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my path. I need Your Light to walk through the kingdom of darkness. Amen.
Harriet Ford is a Missouri author and speaker. Contact |