Subject: FaithWriters Devotional for Friend

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...Through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38 Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their sins against them...2 Cor 5:19

"I will forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin no more.” Jer 31:34b

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Today's Devotional
The Least Among Us - Ken Barnes

.....So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. (I Corinthians 12:24 NLT)

God has designed the Body of Christ so that the people we might regard as less honorable to receive extra care and honor. The parts of the body that appear to be weakest and less important are the most necessary.

The Church is not a social organization with all sorts of clichés and a pecking order mentality. As a matter of fact it is just the opposite, where the first shall be last and the last first. The problem is that we value people according to their function, not their intrinsic value. People are not valuable according to what they can do, but because they are made in the image of God and bought with a price. The price was the death of God's only Son. Why must we honor these people among us? It is because they are the most necessary. Though sometimes unnoticed or unrecognized, they are most needed to keep the body functioning as designed. Furthermore, it is the way God promotes unity. When all members care for each other equally, this fosters harmony in God's family (v. 25). Affirming all God's people speaks to the fact that there are no big or little people in the Body of Christ, just sinners in need of grace. The land is level at the foot of the Cross.

In any church, ministry, or Christian organization, to the extent that we love the least among us, is the extent we love Christ. It is as simple as that. Are you honoring the least among you?

Contact Ken, find more of his articles and send him a message about today's devotional HERE.

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