Whose Hands? - Jennifer Woodley
‘“I give then eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.”’ John 10:28 (NRSV)
Within each of us lies the capacity for noble service and outstanding work. If we are held in the wrong hands or following the wrong master that God-given potential remains locked away. However, if we commit ourselves into God’s hands and determine to work together with Him, our potential can become ignited and explode into a beautiful work that brings Him glory and blesses others.
We are all conditioned and shaped by the hands that govern us – for good or otherwise. Depending upon whose hands hold us, determines our level of trust. If we’ve been mistreated and abused, trust won’t come easily. But the hand of God is not abusive. Nor is God manipulative and demanding. His love is generous. When we are held in His hands, we are free to live spaciously, graciously and lovingly. When we experience His love, we can trust Him deeply. He is devoted to us, always available to help and because of this, we’re willing to be obedient and devoted to Him.
Whose hands are holding us? If we’re feeling crushed, controlled, bound or trapped just now, we are not being held in the nurturing hands of our Heavenly Father. Only in God’s hands will we feel safe, free to be ourselves, free to wonder, question, dream and fail. In His hands we are triumphant over-comers who can live a victorious life, bringing pleasure to God, reward to ourselves and blessing to others.
‘Father, take me into your hands and shape my days according to your will and pleasure. Thank you.’
Jennifer is a freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Christ through mentoring and writing. Contact