Renewed, Not Gone - Donna Martelli
“Your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:1-5 NKJV
When eagles become old their feathers break and their claws wither. In order to live longer, they need to transform themselves by molting. The eagle chooses a secure spot when molting begins. It plucks out its feathers and breaks off its beak by pounding it on a rock, and then it rubs off its talons. At this time, it is anything but majestic and beautiful as it once was. It is dependent on other eagles to bring it food because it is unable to fly or hunt. Some eagles die during this painful process. Those that survive the molting process come out of it stronger, sharper and fitter than before.
Like the eagle, you have grown older and you have been through a sometimes-painful transformation. You may feel that your outward appearance has been compromised as you have aged, but it’s a fact that your youth is not over, it is renewed like the eagles. Truly it is not like it used to be, but it is better.
Certainly, before, you did not possess the wisdom that you now have. Your youth is renewed like the eagle’s and you have emerged from the transformation a stronger, wiser person, able to help others who are going through what you have been through.
Lord, let us not try to be like we were decades ago but help us to embrace life in the present tense. Teach us to fly with those renewed wings. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Donna writes to glorify God and help people reach their full potential. She is married with five children and 12 grandchildren. Contact