Subject: FaithWriters Devotional - Plant a Vineyard!

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Today's Devotional
Plant a Vineyard! - Karen Pourbabaee

“She picks out a field to purchase and out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.” Pro 31:16 NAB

Vineyards were very important culturally and economically in Biblical times. Though an important agricultural commodity, vines also symbolized prosperity and peace for the ancient Hebrews and generally denoted spiritual good. Is it any wonder the perfect Proverbs 31 woman would be found planting a vineyard? She’s got it all. She’s got it all together. Verse 11 calls her an “unfailing prize”. While life is full of choices, she seems to choose wisely in all things.

This proverbial woman is a work horse! She obtains supplies, provisions, and distributes food to her household. She makes garments and linens for her home and sells them in the community as well. Her lamp is burning at night. Yet, by day she helps the needy and offers counsel and wisdom to all. She tends to daily needs, but has an eye toward the future—she buys land and plants a vineyard! She was heeding Paul’s advice to the Galatians centuries before he spoke: “a person will reap only what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7 NAB) The Proverbs 31 gal was looking to reap economic and spiritual good by planting a vineyard.

She faithfully labored and did not give up. She wisely thought not only for today, but for tomorrow. “Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NAB) Today is the day to plant seeds for your future prosperity and spiritual good. Look well to the ways of your household today, but plant a vineyard for tomorrow. The celebration of your harvest is on the way.

Contact Karen and read more HERE.


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