Our Hope – Jennifer Woodley Kirrah’s anger burned fiercely leaving a festering sore upon her 10 year old heart. She hated her sister, wouldn’t forgive her father, raged at her teachers and despised her life. She was unreasonable, inconsolable, unteachable and blamed everyone else for her bad attitude.
But despite this hopeless situation, all was not lost. Unlike Kirrah, I was hopeful for her because I knew the One who is Hope. Kirrah did not. But each day as I talked to her and she grunted sulkily back at me, small increments of progress were being made. She resisted me less and listened more. She sought out my company and though still challenging, I knew Kirrah was interested in what I had to share.
The Lord of Hope fills His children with hope. Hope to bear all things, believe all things, endure all things and hope for all things. Christ, the source of our hope, helps us to love the unlovable, and believe for the best for them. Because of Christ’s hope in us, we can love them and release them to Him.
Who has God brought into our lives that challenges us? Prayerfully lift them up to Christ, ask Him to fill us with hope for that person and gift them with our generous love. Even when it is hard. Christ will help us, He is our hope and in Him we can do immeasurably more than we could ever imagine – and that includes loving the Kirrah’s of this world.
‘Jesus, fill me with the hope that you can work wonderfully in the lives of those who don’t know you yet. Help me to love with patient endurance. Thank you.’
Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their faith journey with Christ through writing and mentoring.
Contact Jennifer and read more from her HERE. |