O God With Us! O Emmanuel! Karen Pourbabaee “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and shall name Him Emmanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 NAB
Jesus is the sign that God gives us, and Emmanuel is His name. From the Latin signum, sign means mark or token. And token is also defined as a keepsake, something kept in memory of the giver. God the Father is offering us His Son who will become the keepsake of His love. Jesus will become our God Incarnate, to dwell within our hearts, forever the living presence of the Father. “…whoever has seen Me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9 NAB) “The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30 NAB) Jesus will become our keepsake from the Father, not something, but someone kept in memory of the Divine Giver.
As the ancient world awaited the Messiah, as the three kings journeyed by the light of the Bethlehem star, let us prepare our hearts for Him. Let us make room for the keepsake of the Father. Experience it for the first time, or perhaps, once again. Jesus comes to live in our hearts. Through this holy, expectant season, continue the path to the manger. You are almost there. Perhaps you can hear angels singing, excited chatter along the way. For all creation knows the magnitude of this arrival. The world will never be the same again, for our God will be with us, with you, forevermore!
An ancient O Antiphon prayer: O Emmanuel, King and Lawgiver, Desire of the Nations, Savior of all people, come and set us free, Lord and God.
Contact Karen and read more HERE. |