No Need to Want – Jennifer Woodley ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.’ Psalm 23:1 (NRSV)
Christians claim that Jesus is their Shepherd and yet still want. Discontented and restless recently, I wondered why and concluded that perhaps we don’t always give Jesus permission to be the Great Shepherd of our souls after all.
When we are fully trusting Jesus, we shall want for no lesser thing. Why should we want more when we know in our heart that all our needs are completely satisfied in Him? When we can settle down securely into this fact, we discover that Jesus always leads us to the green pastures and still waters that nourish our soul. Just as He promised He would.
Consider for a moment the ideas and activities that do not lead to these restorative places. What are we currently engaging in that is not His path for us? What leads us to confusion, dissatisfaction, idleness or desolation? When we meander down these paths (and sheep often go astray) are we allowing the gentle voice of the Shepherd to draw us back onto the right path? That is, His chosen path for us?
Jesus leads us into refreshing, energizing and healing places. Gently. Lovingly. Continuously. The Shepherd knows what is best. We do not. The Shepherd sees ahead, anticipates the best path and prepares us for the future.
We may stubbornly try again and again to resist His work and take a different path. But what if today, we chose to accept and even enjoy the path that the Shepherd guides us along? It’s the only path that leads to the restful place our searching soul longs for.
Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing and mentoring. Contact |