“It is Also Written” – Harriett Ford The danger in false Concepts.
Jesus reminded Satan, who was accurately quoting God’s word, that there is more to be said. “It is Also Written” (Matt. 4: 7 KJV)
I once had many false concepts about God’s will until I found what is also written.
Many passages in the Old Testament can lead to misunderstanding if not examined in the light of what is “also written.”
Job is quoted as saying “. . . the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.” (Job 1: 21). True, he did say that, but it is also written that it was NOT the Lord, but Satan who had taken away his children and his fortune.
Another example is the belief that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. It does say that in Exodus 9: 12. However, it is also written in Exodus 9: 34-35: “Pharaoh sinned yet more and hardened his heart.” It was NOT God who hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Because he did not interfere, God was said to have done the hardening. This manner of speech was a Hebrew idiom by which a person is said to do what he allows to happen by not stopping it, according to Finis Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible.
Did the ancient wicked world bring plagues and destruction on itself? Yes. Is this God’s will? No. Hosea 13: “O Israel, you have destroyed yourself, but in Me is your help.”
It is dangerous to believe that whatever happens to you is the will of God.
Jesus freed the stooped woman “whom Satan had bound.” God permitted but did NOT cause her bent back to teach her something. He sent His Son so that we might have life and that more abundantly. (John 10: 10).
Harriet Ford’s book, Faith Says What God Says. Find her book and contact her HERE. |