Finding What Was Lost – Jennifer Woodley ‘Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God.’ Ruth 1:16 (NRSV).
Ruth’s vow of loyalty to her mother-in-law and to God was a huge counter-cultural decision. She sacrificially exchanged her ethnic and religious heritage for the people, culture and religion of Naomi. Furthermore, Ruth faced an uncertain and unpromising future as she chose to follow Naomi back to Bethlehem, which made her resolve all the more remarkable. Her oath of allegiance ran contrary to a spirit of self-interest. Yet, in choosing to lose her life for the sake of Naomi, Ruth found her life as the hand of the Almighty turned her dire circumstances into a fountain of blessings (Ruth 4:13).
We too will find a blessed life when we choose to stand with Christ. By surrendering all and giving ourselves sacrificially to follow Jesus, we will find a far fuller, richer and deeply satisfying life then we could possibly imagine. Yet like Ruth, that may require us to step into an uncertain future. Ruth didn’t demand that things go her way but allowed God to guide her life as she supported and cared for Naomi. Like Ruth, we must often allow God to work through our circumstances, as we support those close to us.
Who is God asking us to care for just now? What is He requiring us to release as we follow Him in loving service for another? Ruth chose to give up much and we may have to do the same. Yet, when we obey His call to surrender our life, it is then we will really find it.
Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing and mentoring. Contact |