Do You Know the Spirit of All of God's Laws? by Michael Edwards If you love the Ten Commandments and want to keep the law to please God out of a sincere heart, this is a must-read for you.
If we do not know the Spirit of God’s laws, we cannot serve our Lord as He desires and we risk ignorantly violating His desire on a regular basis even when we keep the letter of the law to please Him.
Every law has behind it a reason, the intent, the purpose that the author had for writing the law. In other words, there must be a reason to write the law in the first place. The purpose the letter of the law was written is called the spirit of the law. It is undeniable that the authors original intent behind the law, the spirit of the law, is the only thing that can truly fulfill the law and honor the lawgiver. If we can discover the Spirit of God’s law’s, we can truly honor God’s original intent and purpose. On the other hand, if we remain ignorant to His original intent, we risk violating His intent just like the most sincere and best letter of the law keepers that ever lived did, over and over again. The best law keepers who ever lived were the Pharisee’s. While they could not keep the letter perfectly, kept their sins in the dark as we all do, and were judgmental, most were very sincere about wanting to please God by keeping the letter of the law. The problem was that they were ignorant to God’s original reason, the intent for writing the law. They were totally blind to the Spirit of God’s law. This left them unable to fulfill God’s purpose for writing the law, often doing just the opposite of the God’s intent as they enforced the letter of the law. Their focus on the letter and total ignorance of the Spirit of the law is what led Jesus to be broken hearted over their hardness of heart and angry with them on several occasions.
Finish and Learn the Spirit of the law HERE. |