Cutting Away of the Flesh – Harriett Ford This is a profound mystery . . . (Ephesians 5: 32) NIV)
Why would God “cut a covenant” with a man by circumcision? And a woman “cuts a covenant” with her husband also in a place of intimacy. Blood is shed from reproductive parts of their bodies. When I understood that circumcision is a cutting away of the flesh, it finally clicked.
God expects the union of man and wife to be fruitful and produce children. When the flesh is cut away from reproductive parts, it is NOT a symbol of removing that mandate. Children of flesh are God’s blessings. The blood covenant is for a fruitful union between man, God, and woman.
Marriage is actually a trinity, as in the garden between God, Adam, and Eve. In the New Covenant through Jesus’ blood, circumcision is in the heart of believers, bringing us into intimate union with our Lord. The cutting away of the flesh is when we walk not after fleshly desires, but after the Law of the Spirit.
And yes, God expects the church, His bride, to be fruitful and multiply—to produce spiritual offspring, newborn babes in Christ to grow up into in His image (I Pet. 2: 2).
Jesus did not come to earth to reproduce a fleshly family. He came to redeem His bride from sinful fleshly desires so that she could be in spiritual union—one with Him--and reproduce spiritual offspring (Ephesians 5: 32).
In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ. Col 2:11 NIV
Contact Harriet and read more from her HERE. |