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...in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their sins against them...2 Cor 5:19
...Through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38
"I will forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin no more.” Jer 31:34b
Can You Declare Your Righteousness in Christ When You Fail?
The people will declare, "The LORD is the source of all my righteousness and strength." Isa 45:24a NLT
When you find yourself failing, in the midst of reoccurring sin; can you say this and believe it?
I Am The Righteousness of God in Christ!
If you cannot say it and believe it when you have just sinned, you do not believe you are saved by grace alone through faith EPH 2:8-9.
In opposition to what the Bible teaches, you are sin conscious instead of righteousness conscious, Jesus conscious. This grieves the Holy Spirit because he convicts believers of their righteousness in Christ. The enemy has deceived you into looking at yourself instead of the perfection of Jesus, who paid for all of your sins once and for all.
Think about it. If we are focused on our sins, we do not really believe they have been forgiven. We are saying what Jesus did was not enough to wash me clean.
If you want to stop sinning and what you have done to date has not worked, try Gods way instead. All the time and especially the next time you fail, in the midst of your sin, make this your declaration:
I Am The Righteousness of God in Christ!
The enemy will try and stop you, trying to get you to look at yourself and away from Jesus. Don't let him! Keep your focus on the spotless lamb that took your place and exchanged your sinfulness for His righteousness.
Stating this firmly when the enemy and every religious bone in your body try to fight you, will transform you by faith into the image of Christ.
It lets God know you really believe it is all about Jesus. It lets satan know you really believe God and slams the door shut on his attacks. Who can condemn those who God has justified? It lets you know that God's love for you is not dependent on your actions. He sees you in the perfection of Jesus.
It takes little or no faith to declare our righteousness in Christ when we are doing everything right. On the other hand, it takes sound and sincere faith to declare it when we fail. God wants us to live from faith to faith, walking in faith even when we fail.
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