Beth – Ken Ebright He told people that his wife Sarah was his sister. Abimelech king of Gerar heard this, so he sent some servants to take her. But one-night God spoke to Abimelech in a dream and said, “You will die. The woman you took is married.” Genesis 20:2-3 (NCV)
Abimelech was told that Sarah was Abrahams sister. Later he found out that Abraham and Sarah lied.
When I was fourteen, I came home one day and found a note on the table. It was a suicide note written by my mom. I asked my mom about it, and she said she was just mad and did not mean it. Later, we would learn that she did.
When I was a senior, I asked Beth out on a date and felt like we had a good time. So, I asked her out again. She seemed excited, but when I went over to her house to pick her up, she was at work. I asked her out again, and the same thing happened.
I felt betrayed by Beth and my mom. I would have rather had Beth tell me the truth versus lying and playing with my emotions as she did. And while I do understand why my mom didn’t want to reveal her real intentions to me at 14, if she had told me the truth, no matter difficult, she might be here today. Both of these situations hurt tremendously. Never married, and in my fifties, these lies still affect my ability to trust women to this day.
Love does no wrong and fulfills all of God’s law, Rom 13:8-10. But lying is a sin that truly hurts people. No matter how hard it may be, it is important to speak the truth in love. Let’s be bold, think about the other person more than ourselves, and tell the truth.
Ken is a native Minnesotan and loves to sing and can play a keyboard instrument. Contact |