Be Gentle Always - Tricia Draper Let your gentle spirit [your graciousness, unselfishness, mercy, tolerance, and patience] be known to all people. The Lord is near. (Philippians 4:5 Amp)
When we read this verse, we find that there are two separate points listed. The verse starts out describing gentleness. Our gentleness is to be so real that is can be seen by all people in our everyday lives. Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit and is always available to us. It is brought forth as we abide fully in the Vine that is Jesus. We allow Him to flow freely through us, and He supernaturally produces the fruits He desires in our lives. Patience, another fruit of the Spirit, is also listed and is produced in the same manner.
The second point tells us, “The Lord is near.” Knowing that the Lord is near should encourage us to want to be gentle at all times and in every situation. As believers, we are called to show our gentleness as He has shown His gentleness to us. Some translations say, “The Lord is coming soon.” Both are great motivators to desire the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. Having once been lost ourselves and without hope, our desire should be to display Christ to all, always remembering it is the kindness of God that leads the lost to repentance.
Lord, please help me today to show the same gentleness to others that You have shown me. Remind me that You are coming back for me and help me to be gentle in all situations. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Tricia loves to teach God’s Word and grow closer to Him. Contact |