The Promise Book – by Stephanie M. White When God raised up His servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways. Acts 3:26 NIV
Don’t be misled; don’t believe that you can turn from your wicked ways on your own. God blesses you by turning you from your wicked ways – it’s not the other way around! Apart from Christ you will remain in your flesh and its wicked ways.
Too many Christians are misled into believing that their “good” behavior is a blessing to God. God isn’t impressed by our works. We cannot produce Spiritual fruit on our own; therefore, we cannot produce anything that would be of value to God. We need Him to do the Spiritual work in us; we need to abide in Him if we want Spiritual fruit in our lives.
You must understand that His Word is full of His promises to you – promises for your behavior, your thoughts, your words, and much more! Instead of looking at the Word as a rule book, look at it as God’s loving promise book. For example, when you read about treating others according to love, don’t look at it as a challenge or something you must accomplish if you want God to be happy with you; look at it as a promise you can count on – if you will abide in the Word of God you will love others and treat them right. The opposite is also true; however, if you ignore the Word you will never walk in love. You cannot adjust your behavior to fit into the mold of the Word; only God can transform you into His image.
Today’s Christian writer loves to study the Word of God and has taught Bible studies for the past 10 years at her church. She has authored four books. You can read three of her books for a limited time FREE.