Pleasing Father God “The Son can do nothing of Himself. He only does [and says] what He sees the Father doing [and saying].” (John 5:19 AMP).
Jesus is the greatest teacher in the school of obedience. His desire was to please the Father. Before the foundations were created, God’s plan was ordained. Jesus was sent to give His life for the whole world.
Jesus loved Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus of Bethany. He and His followers often found refreshment in their home. However, when Jesus received word that Lazarus was gravely ill, He didn’t rush to heal him. In fact, He stayed two days longer where He was ministering and during that time Lazarus died. Why? Why did Jesus allow Lazarus to die?
The Father’s plan from the outset was to raise Lazarus from the dead. “This illness will not end in death but it will bring glory to God” (John 11:4). Even though Jesus knew He would raise Lazarus from the dead, “He wept”. Jesus cried bitterly as He felt the family’s sorrowful grief but gave honor to God with Lazarus’ resurrection.
As Christ-followers we often fail miserably. Yet, we desire to please the Giver of Life. He understands. He always works within us, “both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13 NKJV). Darlene and her husband enjoy the outdoors and make their home in South Georgia, USA. Contact