Paddling Tandem with Jesus – Toni Babcock
Have you heard the old adage, "Love many, trust few, learn to paddle your own canoe?" Well, I'd like to add, it's possible to trust God, paddle with Jesus, and love everybody in the process.
Life is a bit like a river. Imagine having to paddle an unfamiliar one, dotted with obstacles and real life danger! You'll need an experienced paddler in the stern, who always has your back. Picking a paddling partner with the strongest arm is essential - and there is no stronger arm, than the arm of the LORD. (Isaiah 51:5 KJV).
In life, learn to maneuver your paddle in the right direction. Be mindful of the choices you make and the company you keep. God expects that we anticipate the danger and avoid it. Just like on a river; a rapids, a boulder, or any unexpected turn in a swift current can spell sudden demise. But if we employ the correct maneuvers, we will shoot right past the danger.
Keep in mind when coming upon a harrowing rapids, or a menacing boulder, both the stern and the bow paddler must keep in sync and work together. Which is to say, it never helps to fight against Jesus when paddling through life. Trust Him. He knows better than we do.
The Lord is our Helper (Hebrews 13:6 KJV). He not only is behind us, He is before us, and acquainted with all our ways (Psalm 139:1-6 KJV ). He is the little voice in our head that whispers, "This is the way, walk ye in it," (Isaiah 30:21).
Lord Jesus, thank you for being our strong arm, and our deliverer. Grant us the faith to anticipate the dangers that lie ahead and avoid them, paddling along with You.