Locusts and Camel Hair – Sharon Dow
John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. Matthew 3:4 NIV
John the Baptist intrigues me. I am drawn by his passion and dedication, his message of repentance, his removal from society, and his lifestyle contrary to the norm of first century society.
Jesus captivates me. In contrast he was loving and caring, in the centre of society, teaching a new way to live, contrary to the accepted beliefs of the religious Jews.
Both were used by God; both had large crowds following them; many believed their message, repented, and turned their lives over to God.
John was totally human and knew that he was the voice preparing the way for the Christ. I think by removing himself from society, he was able to focus on the task God had set before him. When he had completed his purpose, in a cruel twist of a woman’s mind, he was arrested and beheaded.
Jesus conducted his ministry as God had directed him; he was fully God and fully man. Jesus met a cruel death at the hands of twisted people who feared he would take their place. He, too, completed the task God had for him.
But here all comparisons end: Jesus is the Son of God. He rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, interceding on our behalf. What a thrilling message for us today!
Do you have Jesus interceding for you? Today is a good day to accept him as your Saviour and this amazing provision will be yours, too.
Sharon has authored three Christian novels; Antipas: Martyr, Pergamum: Satan’s Throne, and Huldah: Prophetess. Coming soon: Sapphira: Unveiled. Contact