Who Is Truth By Anna Darlene Edmondson “I am the way, the truth and the life…” (John 14:6 ESV).
Roma Downey and Mark Burnett are excellent producers of the television series now airing called, “A.D. the Bible continues.” It opens with the question ‘what is truth?’ If you recall, Pilate’s wife had received warnings from God through a dream and begged her husband, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man” (Mt 27:15). Pilate interrogated Jesus and reluctantly turned Him over to be crucified. Perhaps we’ll never know what would have happened if Pilate had obeyed his own conscience and followed his wife’s advice. He tried washing his hands from blood-guiltiness but Jewish historians believe he was banished to Vienna where he committed suicide in 41 A.D. For some reason, I think Pilate asked the wrong question. If he had queried, ‘Who is Truth’, Jesus could have replied I AM. Because Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life…Pilate’s own life was in Jesus’ hands, not the other way around. Before the foundations were laid, Truth was, is, and shall ever be, a moral, personal characteristic of God. It means God Himself is Truth; the Spirit is Truth; and Jesus is Truth. What an amazing announcement! In every way imaginable, all Jesus said and did was true. Exactly and purely, He proclaimed things He heard from His Father. In addition, Jesus sent ‘the spirit of Truth, a Helper, who abides in believers forever’ (John 16:12-15). So, how do we acquire Truth? We accept Him into our hearts. You may think it sounds too good to be true. Yet, He is true. That’s the astonishing miracle. God thought we were worth dying for and gave the costliest gift He had…His Son (the Way, the Truth and the Life).
Darlene is a freelance Christian writer. Contact |