When Something is Missing by Abby Kelly “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3 (NIV)
Remember algebra? Remember that pesky little letter “place holding” for the proper number which you were challenged to discover in order to secure a passing grade? And remember how there was only one option? Math was never my favorite subject, but I had the least aptitude for algebra. No matter how insistent the teacher was that I had all the information needed, I could wrangle with that letter for hours trying to find its numeric equivalent.
When we pray for something for a long time—salvation for a friend, restored marriage, a job, obedient children, healing…we can become convinced that there is a missing variable. Something absolutely necessary for the desired outcome doesn’t exist.
But isn’t that God’s specialty? Scripture says, “…what is seen was not made out of things which are visible”.
The very dirt you stand on came into being out of nothing. None of the “necessary” variables existed for God to create the universe. The key phrase is at the very beginning of the passage: “By faith…”. It is only by faith that we can understand this truth, and find the strength to wait and believe that God will do what He says, for our good and His glory.
Abby Kelly is a Christian writer and editor. Find more of her articles and published books HERE. |