GRACE, JUST RECEIVE It By Grace Olumayowa Aideloje We can never deserve it, but He’s given it to us all the same. Grace -- the unmerited favor and mercy of God. Often, we turn to the New Testament to study it, but the grace of God started from creation and flowed through the pages of the Old Testament. It was perfected by Jesus and thoroughly explained in the epistles. I saw grace in the life of Noah, Lot, Moses, Gideon and most especially David.
God told Solomon, “As for you, if you will follow me with integrity and godliness, as David your father did, obeying all my commands, decrees, and regulations…” (1 Kings 9:4 NLT). Which David was God talking about? The one that slept with his subordinate’s wife, got her pregnant, and killed her husband to cover it all up? The same man that ignited God’s anger by taking an unnecessary census? Well, there is only one King David in the Bible, and he missed it tragically a number of times, but one thing David never did was turn to another god. When he failed and disobeyed, he turned to God. When he got wearied and discouraged, he clung to God. He was always quick to repent. He had no qualms embracing the ever-available grace of God. He never doubted God’s love. He never allowed his misdeeds to tie him to endless guilt and doubts.
God’s grace is always available to you. He wants you to trust Him enough to receive it unconditionally. No matter how horrible your sins, His grace is more than enough. Reach out to Him. Receive it. Enjoy it. Share it.
Grace is a Nigerian missionary with a passion for sharing life-enhancing knowledge through her writings. Contact |