Our Perfect Standard by Sheldon Bass “…Live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” (1st Corinthians 1:10b NLT)
It took some time to understand how the Lord’s command for perfect unity among believers could even be possible. The characteristics of love and unity are to be what marks the church as belonging to Christ—a part of Him. We are one body with Christ as our head.
How is it possible for a wide spectrum of personalities with differing likes to be united in thought, judgment and purpose? The problem lies in how we as people tend to get out of tune with each other. The solution is to bring ourselves into perfect harmony, and there is only one way this can be done.
Allow me a well-used analogy (author unknown) of tuning one hundred pianos. If we tune a piano to a specific tuning fork, that piano is in tune. Then we may be tempted to tune the other pianos by the standard of that now tuned piano. Each piano is tuned by the last one tuned. To us it seems that by the time all 100 are adjusted they would all sound the same, but they don’t. There is error entering in each time one of those pianos is adjusted using another piano.
However, if each piano is tuned individually to the same tuning fork, instead of to each other, all one-hundred pianos will be perfectly attuned with each other.
As Christians, Jesus is our tuning fork. We don’t compare ourselves to each other, but to Him. We make adjustments according to His flawless standard. Suddenly we come into impeccable harmony with each other and with God’s will. Let’s follow the Spirit of Christ within.
Sheldon is a Christian writer. Find more articles and his book HERE. |