In the Shadow and Wake – by Abby Kelly “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 (ESV)
Remember those children’s books that allowed you to determine the outcome of the story? At the end of each page, there was a critical question and depending on your answer, the adventure took off in an entirely new direction. There was no limit to your “power” to dictate imaginary lives.
This morning, as I read slowly through Psalm 23, I saw for the first time, the tale of David’s journey. At the end of each stanza, his path seems to take a slight turn, leading us along his life’s story. David begins the Psalm in the shadow of his Shepherd. Contented, he follows beside refreshing waters. In the Hebrew, “righteous paths” can also mean, “in the name of the Messiah”. Interestingly, David does not say that he was led into the Valley of the Shadow of Death, only that in the midst of it, the Shepherd’s rod and staff comforted him. The word “comfort” implies repentance and consolation. Next, David finds himself again refreshed by the Shepherd, even as his enemies look on. Finally, the view shifts. Where David began as the follower, he now describes his wake. Behind him, as he is led by the Shepherd, flow mercy and goodness, also described as: excellence and faithfulness.
What if you insert yourself in this story? What if at each turn, you read your own name? Follow the Shepherd through green pastures, find repentance and comfort in the dark times. When you emerge, grace and mercy, excellence and faithfulness will be your rear guard and a light for those to come behind.
Abby Kelly is the senior editor of My Daily Armor and active FaithWriters member. Contact |