How Shall I Lay Down My Life? by Karen Pourbabaee “The way we come to know love was that He laid down His life for us, so we ought to lay down our life for our brethren.” 1 John 3:16 One morning I had one of my kitchen sink revelations. Busy scouring pots and pans, my mind was equally busy planning a day of endless errands. Then the phone rang, interrupting my thoughts, not to mention my well laid plans. A dear friend was in obvious distress. “Sure, I’ll drop by soon.” Standing before the stack of half-washed dishes, I was thinking of that list I was about to jot down. Then I heard a gentle whisper within my spirit…”Lay down your life.” I was recently remembering that poignant moment during a Lenten retreat and contemplating the many ways I might “lay down my life” as Christ commanded. After all, for thirty three years Jesus laid down His life to do the will of His Father. On the cross, He made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down His physical life for all men. For me. For you! Dear Father, Help me follow in the footsteps of Your Son. May I lay down my life, turning from the world to you in prayer and devotion. May I lay down my life, fasting from earthly things and negativity so my heart might be nourished by spiritual things. May I lay down my life, sharing my time, talent, and treasure with those you call me to. Amen. Today’s freelance writer is a south Louisiana native currently living in Oklahoma. Contact