God’s Gentle Reminders by Antje Hill "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV) One afternoon I pulled out the hose to water our sunflowers. As they became heavy with water, they drooped downward until they were only inches from the ground. Gradually the water dropped from them and inch by inch, they slowly started to rise. Later in the afternoon, they stood tall and proud. It was at that point I realized I had something in common with this beautiful flower. I go happily along, doing my thing, enjoying the busyness of life. Then suddenly I get a drenching of frustrations, heartaches, serious troubles, and I bow low. The weight seems more than I can bear. It’s then I sense God’s presence. He reminds me He is not a condemning God when I grow weary. He’s not angry with me. In fact the bible tells me I am the apple of His eye. That means He’s crazy about me. He is concerned about my problems. That thought makes me lift my head. I grow strong again.
The cold blast of water to our sunflowers on that hot late summer afternoon was shocking and their sunny heads bowed. But because of the wet soaking, they grew even more beautiful and strong, much like my hurting times deepen my relationship and trust in the God who loves me. I love the way God takes something as fragile as a flower and reminds me I’m never out of His mind or heart.
Today’s freelance writer lives with her husband, Richard, in Collins, MS, USA. Contact