Comparing Ourselves to Others
Michael Edwards
We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. 2 Cor 10:12 NIV
The enemy at times tries to get me to compare myself to others. He does this is various areas of my life, but I want to talk about the things God does through me. He will try to make my good works seem insignificant, especially in comparison to others. This type of attack is certainly responsible for many believers ceasing what they are doing, believing the lie that their works are of little or no value.
When these thoughts tried to take root the other morning, the Holy Spirit pointed something out to me. While those I am comparing myself to may appear to have done greater things for God, they have not done many of the vital things I have done. They have not prayed for my family, friends, or the strangers I have. They have not given to those I have given to. They have not shared Christ with whom I have shared Christ. They have not encouraged or helped those in need whom I have helped.
All in all, those we think have done greater things, have not done the often unnoticed, but just as important, things we have done as individual parts of the body.
I am not saying this out of pride. The Holy Spirit wanted to give me perspective. God empowers us to do different things, for different people, in diverse ways, at various times. The truth is most good works are small but absolutely essential. Just think, someone unnoticed, prayed for Billy Graham’s salvation.
No follower of Christ, and no good work for God is insignificant. All are valuable and together our good works spread out around the globe. So, stop comparing yourself to others and believing the enemies lies. Just do the next right thing no matter how small it may appear. Even the smallest of the Spirit’s led tasks, are highly valued in God’s Kingdom.
And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.” Matt 10:42 NLT