Calm Your Storm - Deepika Emmanuel Sagar
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (Matthew 8:26 NIV)
While Jesus was sailing with his disciples, a sudden storm broke out sending waves sweeping over the boat. Walking by sight instead of faith, the disciples submitted to their fears and began to panic.
Storms approach our lives as pandemics, job loss, loss of loved ones, emotional crisis, and an infinite number of matters of the flesh. When these storms strike, like the disciples, we too often forget how we are called to walk and submit to fear that leads to panic. There is restlessness, anxiety, and discouragement when we walk by sight.
Do you think these struggles or our ensuing fear is from the Lord? I do not. When Jesus saw his disciples panic, he asked; “Where is your faith?" He asks us the same question today—where is our faith? In other words, why are we walking by sight instead of faith?
Even though uncertainties surround us, there is one thing we can be certain of; the assurance of the Lord and his promises in the Word. When Jesus got up, he rebuked the storm and it was calm. So, let's get up, walk by faith, not by sight, and use the same authority over our storms.
Jesus finished everything on the cross that we might have the same authority over the devil and his ways. Walking by faith in the authority Jesus gave us, honors our Lord's sacrifice and makes our lives a whole lot better.
Deepika lives in India with her husband and children. She loves to share Jesus. Contact