What Have You Wanted To Do But Fear Stopped You?
I was so excited about our new adventure to rappel the waterfalls. It sounded fun and I knew it would be beautiful.
I love trying new things like this. Bo makes me feel more secure.
I love nature, the climbing and hiking in the rainforest.
I’m brave until the reality of putting on those harnesses, carabiner clips and helmets.
How was I going to go backwards and step off the cliffs?
I’ve been experimenting more with trusting rather than letting fear take over or rule my life.
I tend to worry, want things a certain way, (even though I do know, I’m not the king of the universe) so I’ve been reminding myself to make life more easy, breezy. It will help my stress level and allow me to enjoy more of life.
Chill. Allow things to be.
Let go of the resistance.
You know, I’m into thriving. Can’t do that so much, if I’m trying to control or worry about what might happen.
“Lo and behold, it turns out that 85 percent of what subjects worried about never happened, and with the 15 percent that did happen, 79 percent of subjects discovered either they could handle the difficulty better than expected, or the difficulty taught them a lesson worth learning.” Aug 25, 2015 Huffington Post
But, my fears start taking over knowing it’s my turn.
I have to work myself through it. I really want to do this.
Realize whatever life gives me, I have the tools to move through the situation. I have my inner guidance. Use one of my mantras - Expect the Best!
I have to notice the fear, not ignore it. It’s a warning for me - to proceed with caution. Not STOP.
Know I have put in new tools, I have a new focus to make it fun, easy breezy. Remind myself.
Here’s how I made it magical for me to work through the fears that rushed in.
I began my day answering one of my morning intentions - what would I like to experience? I said I wanted this experience to be fun, easy and enjoyable. As we got there and climbing to the waterfalls, I felt the tension build and my breathing constrict and was shallow. My clue to ask for inner guidance, remind myself what I really want. Focus on what I WANT. Accept and surrender to what I am feeling. Know I am afraid. But how could I reframe that to what I want, to why I chose this situation. It’s amazing, it’s exciting. I’m protected with all the right equipment. The guides are experienced and excited. Now, I’m open to receive and allow the experience to be fun. I watch the first two go down, it’s my turn. I’m hesitant but keep moving, baby steps, hear the reassurance of Bo and our guides. I step down, and move on down the mountain, water dripping in my face, feeling the freshness and excitement. I land into the water below.
Feel so proud of myself, I did it!!!
What are you wanting to do in your life that you are letting fear rule you?
• Is it experiencing something on your bucket list?
• Starting a new business?
• Creating more fun and enjoyment in your retirement?
Be honest with yourself.
Whatever you want you can have it.
Don’t let fear stop you from doing what you want. Notice it, and work through it. Step-by-step just like I showed you above. Do it however and whatever way you need to keep you moving in the direction of what you want. If you need support and guidance, ask for it.
Just don’t stop because of the fear you feel.
Go for your dream!
Jump off.