Happy New Year, Friend,
I love this time of year. I feel it’s a fresh start to new adventures and possibilities.
I’m a geek when it comes to dreaming, setting goals and intentions. My visions are big and bold. I actually bought four (4) different journals this year to try some new ways, to keep things fresh. To keep the energy up, the excitement and focus. BIG YEAR AHEAD.
We head to Maui this time of year where magic happens for us. So for me, it’s the perfect time to reflect on 2016 and then dream about my 2017.
2016 was painful for me. I got some big wake-up calls. I realize how precious life is. My sister was diagnosed with ALS, one of couples we travel with, she was diagnosed with glioblastoma, and I lost one of my best friends to a massive heart attack right before Christmas.
I understand more deeply the gift I have been given with great health and more time.
I promise to do my part — serve in the highest and greatest ways I can. As Luke 12:48 says, “To whom much is given, much will be required.”
Blessed, and ready for 2017.