Subject: New! Free Biblical Character Illustrated Daily Emails

Daily Success
Institute in Basic Life Principles

New Biblical Character Illustrated Daily Emails!

Dear Daily Success subscriber,

We trust that this Christmas season is one of joy and peace in your home.

Earlier this fall we were pleased to announce our 2015 Biblical Character Illustrated Calendar. Now we have put together a new series of free daily emails that follow the same schedule as this calendar. Each month a character quality is highlighted, and each day of that month, the character quality is amplified by an illustration in Scripture. Each daily entry includes a devotional thought and Bible passage from the Old Testament, the New Testament, or the life of Christ. The email is sent at the start of the day, much like the Daily Success messages that you are currently receiving. Each of these daily selections is designed to guide you into a deeper understanding of our Lord as you examine His character throughout the pages of His Word in 2015.

Visit if you would like to sign up for these new Biblical Character Illustrated daily emails. You will continue receiving your Daily Success emails as usual whether or not you sign up for this new series of emails.

May the Lord guide each of us in 2015 to see Christ our Savior in new ways, and may you and your family seek Him as you celebrate this Christmas season and the birth of our Lord.

IBLP Daily Success

“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him” (John 14:21).

Daily Success

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