Subject: Leadership Competencies – A Better Way

Leadership Insights for Business Success
March 2018
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Leadership Competencies – A Better Way 
Developing leadership talent is crucial to success in today’s challenging business environment. Defining leadership expectations and requirements can be challenging but there are ways to ensure simplicity, flexibility and relevance amidst constant market and technological changes.
Competency approaches underlie a majority of leadership talent initiatives within organizations these days. Human resource professionals like competencies because they go beyond the basic job requirements to identify the behaviours top performers demonstrate to realize success. When successfully identified, differentiated and validated, competencies can provide managers and employees at all levels with a shared language for discussing workplace requirements and performance. 

Unfortunately, in many organizations, the concept makes good sense but design and implementation is weak. Unnecessary complexity often creeps into competency-based approaches and meaningful validation can be virtually non-existent. In addition, today's rapidly changing marketplace often requires leaders to quickly change their approaches to meet new and emerging business needs. Specific competencies and behaviours, identified at a moment in time, may feel restrictive in both context and application.

In recent conversation with a senior leader regarding inclusion of key leadership competencies as part of his executive team's narrative 360 feedback process, a particular comment emerged that resonated with me. 
'Well', said the CEO with a smile....... (cont'd)
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