Subject: Are You Leveraging Your ‘Secret Sauce?’

Leadership Insights for Business Success
May 2020
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Are You Leveraging Your ‘Secret Sauce?’
Each of us have unique abilities that tap into who we are and what we’re particularly good at - our 'secret sauces'. However, to the detriment of ourselves and others, we tend to leave them behind as we progress in our careers. As leader, it’s critical to leverage your unique ‘secret sauce’ to realize real success for yourself, your team and your organization. 
As you’ve probably seen, or experienced yourself, as leaders move forward and upwards in their careers, their focus and actions typically become increasingly broader in scope. If you’re like most people, you launched your career in a specific, fairly well-defined role, and then acquired additional competence and experience to handle bigger roles that entailed a wider array of tasks and responsibilities.

For many of us, our initial roles involved activities that made good use of our aptitudes, training and preferences. Even those of us who took some time to ‘discover’ which aspects of our jobs were most satisfying eventually recognized the core elements that really fit well with who we are and what we really liked to do.

For some, it’s solving challenging problems related to technical issues (e.g., engineering, information technology, science, law). For others, it’s helping people develop and grow in their capacity or capability (e.g., teaching, counselling). For others, it’s creating new insights through various media (e.g., writing, music, dance, art). For those in the world of business, it’s creating new entities, growing existing organizations or generating new products and services (e.g., entrepreneurship, marketing, sales).

Regardless of the attribute, we all have a unique ability or abilities that tap into.... (cont'd)
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